
Important Dates

Program Committee

Call for Papers

Paper Submissions

Workshop Program





HotMetrics 2008

June 6, 2008

Annapolis, MD


First Workshop on Hot Topics in Measurement

& Modeling of Computer Systems




Explosive advances in computing, storage and networking technologies have posed many new challenging problems. On the one hand we have extremely tiny yet powerful embedded systems, on the other hand we have “planet-scale” large, distributed systems; all these systems comprise increasingly heterogeneous computing, storage and communicating components that are intricately inter-connected. As arguably the broadest ACM SIG, SIGMETRICS has always been concerned with “performance” issues of computer/communication systems. With the extreme scale and enormous complexity of today's computer/communication systems, performance is no longer a mere consequence of optimizing processing speed, storage capacity or network bandwidth, but hinges also on a gamut of other challenging issues such as reliability, resilience, manageability and security, to name just a few.


The First Workshop on Hot Topics in METRICS (HotMetrics) will bring together researchers in the (traditional) SIGMETRICS community as well as other related communities to debate emerging research challenges and directions in tackling  many challenging issues of concern to SIGMETRICS. The goal of the workshop is to promote community-wide discussion and efforts in identifying “big” and “hard” problems, advancing novel ideas and new theories, and developing innovative approaches and practical techniques. We hope that HotMetrics will serve not only as a forum to present new research ideas and innovative approaches that will influence and impact the long term research agenda in the community, but also as a core team to foster research collaborations and engage the community in collectively advancing the theoretical frontiers and solving high-impact, challenging real-world problems.


We seek submissions of position papers that introduce hard research problems, propose new directions of research, advocate non-traditional approaches to old or new ideas, or generate controversy and discussion on a variety of broad issues that are of interest and pertinence to SIGMETRICS. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


  • Performance related issues in the design and development of emerging computer systems and networks.
  • Tradeoff and dependency between performance and other metrics such as cost, energy consumption, reliability, availability, security.
  • Methodologies and frameworks for performance modeling, analysis, optimization and experimentation.
  • Issues arising from practice such system management and performance engineering.



Submission Guidelines


Papers: Papers can be about 5 pages double column including figures and tables in standard ACM format. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable pdf form.

Selected papers and their reviews will be published on-line before the workshop. Both the authors and reviewers will be invited to participate in the workshop to ensure lively debate and thoughtful discussions. After the workshop, the revised papers and reviews -- together with additional commentaries summarizing the discussion -- will be published in the September 2008 issue of SIGMETRICS's Performance Evaluation Review to provide wide distribution to the community.

To ensure productive discussions, attendance to the workshop will be limited. In addition to authors of selected papers and reviewers, we will invite a small number of leading researchers to participate in the debates.